If you have had either of these types of hair removal and your hair is blonde or very light brown, I would be interested to know if it was successful and how many treatments were required, cost etc. Thanx in advance!
Natural blondes who have had laser or IPL hair removal, how successful was it?
Dear BlueBrid,
Natural blonds have the reverse problems to darker skin beauties when it comes to hair removal via laser. Darker skins have the problem of getting burnt because the darker skin is VERY attracted to darker hair and darker skin. If you have very fair hair (aka: light blond), the laser might not be able to properly detect the hair and your results might not be the best. This is the same problem with people wanted to use lasers to remove white hair. The lighter the pigmentation, the harder it is for the laser to work effectively.
Number of treatments and cost will depend on the area being treated. Make sure to ask questions, because some places will tell you: yes it will work, you'll pay and then won't get the results you were looking for.
Waxing or shaving might be your best options!
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