and if youre willing to wax (i tried it twice on my back cause i just dont like the way it looks even though it wasnt that bad) you will notice that hair doesnt come back as thick.
other than that..there are always the hair removers like Veet and Nair. They work good for like a month, then you have to do it again.
Hey, try it out, doesnt hurt (or does it?!?!)
Is there a natural way to stop body hair from growing without doing electrolisys or laser?
Jergens has a lotion that, they claim, if you apply it daily for something like 2 months, it will reduce the amount of hair you have and slow hair growth.
It's called "Naturally Smooth."
I have it but have never used it every day for the 2 months (or even every day for a week, I'm bad with stuff like that) so I can't say if it works one way or another.
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