Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

Will it go patchy or green?? I just want my old hair back now! Thankyou xxx

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

You may have to dye it twice to get it completely cover.

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

Yeah it will turn green! I tried it. And, you know when you put red Sharpie in dark hair? The same thing happens. Of course I'm probably the only one to try that!

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

it will turn your hair Orange like Ronald McDonald's hair not a good thing to do you would have to strip your hair before you try a darker color just to be safe go to your nearest salon they can tell you more about striping the color out before trying to go back to a darker color from red .be careful i would not try it !! without a professionals help hope this helps you it cost nothing to ask a hair stylist about what would happen ?? good luck

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

Stripping hair of its pigment turns it blonde. You will probably have to get it professionally done. Hairstylist have access to a dye-correction called filler. This makes your hair have the nessacary pigment to reach your desired hair color. This works by proofing your hair from turning coppery or back to the original color. red fades very quickly so it will turn your shade brassy and lighter. And then if you colored it black on top of the red shade it would turn your hair light brown and brassy.

If I dye over my bright red hair with a black dye (my natural colour is very dark) what will happen?

* Hair coloring tips

* Hair Dyeing Tips

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