Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I need a natural holding spray that won't damage hair?

Any suggestions? For Women of Color? Would you know the cost? Its seems most holding spray have polymers (plastic) which coats the hair shaft and alcohol (which) tends to dry hair out.

I need a natural holding spray that won't damage hair?

Go With The Expensive me the cheap kind alllllwayyyys runins my hair i have tried many many many hair sparys and they never tend to go but lately i have bought a herbal essences hair spary that tends to hold and leaves my hair healthy..

It's 8.50 (canadian) for 350 ml and i usually buy it at walmart

Also try mousee!!! its curls your hairs then holds it!

2.50 (canadian) For 250 ml...its strong..heathly and leaves a pleasent smell! %26lt;3

Hoped i helped

I need a natural holding spray that won't damage hair?

Stay away from Pump it up!! As I think about it there aren't really any that are natural. They pretty much all use alcohol. Just use a deep conditioner when you take your hair down.

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