who knows
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? yes
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Uh.. no.. we are equally smart!!! : )
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Yes
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? I don't think hair colour has anything to do with it. But anyone can act the numbbrain. So it is a real tossup.
--That Cheeky Lad
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? OK, so whats the punchline?
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? from my exprience they are all a bit thick
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? There isn't an apostrophe in blondes. It is a plural noun, like tables and chairs.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? there is no connection between hair colour and intelligence
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? dont understand the question
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? i would say the other way around.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? you must be a fake blonde huh?
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? not in my experiance.........................sorry
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? yes. natural blondes are of nordic ancestry. everyone knows germans, swedes, and norweigens, are mentally superior to those of anglo-saxon ancestry
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Hair color does not matter it is the way you have been brought up!
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? I am Blonde and i am very smart. I think people like Paris Hilton is a fake Blonde, and she is STUPID!
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Hair color has nothing to do with it. Hah
I'm a natural blonde, I get... average marks in school. I know fake blondes, natural blondes, and brunettes who are bothe more and less intelligent than me.
It's your motivation to learn that determines how smart you are, really. If you're woried about your hair color, then you're probably not going to be quite as worried about your school grades. But it's all in peoples individual personalities, has nothing to do with hair color in general. :p
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? I dont think there is any connection between hair color and intelligence
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Well have you heard the expression "dumb Blonde". Ok just because of your hair color(natural or dyed) doesn't mean you are any less or more as smart as another shade of hair. i'm a Natural brunette but i went blonde. I didn't get any dumber when i had dyed my hair. i went back to my natural shade. my friend has platinum blonde hair(almost white) and she's extremely smart. were always competing for whose the smartest in the class cuz weve been in the same class since the 4th grade and were in 9th now. So i hope this helps with that ridiculous question.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? intelligence comes with age . it aint to bright to pour bleach on the cranium just to look like an intelligent true blond you DUMBY
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? no that is stupid
it doesn't matter what color your hair is
it all depends on your brain not your hair color or dye
(some natural blonds are stupid)
sorry to blonds...
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Well some of them are. Any brunette that think blonde's have more fun so they dye their hair blonde is pretty stupid. I'm a natural blonde, and I don't believe anything superstitious about us blondes. I don't really get this little fight between blondes and brunettes. We are not stupid and I don't think there is anything wrong with brunettes, either. We're all going to have to stick with each other no matter what our hair color is.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Of course! Who would be dim enough to dye their hair blonde?
We are the Master race!
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Both kind of blond's are intelligent. That's like saying are red heads angry all the time or brown haired peple not that smart, maybe even black haired people aren't. So, now it's not natural blonds it's bottle blonds, intellegent assumption.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Blonde hair is a stereotype.Natural or not.If I were to put on a blonde wig it would not make me more stupid or smarter. It's just what you are born with thats counts as far as intelligence. Some women just choose to play the dumb blonde role more for attention that anything else.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Intelligence is nothing to do with your skin or hair colour. Judging people by them is, however, all down to lowered intelligence levels.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? don't think intelligence goes by the colour of your hair
it's just a stereo type
blonde's can be really intelligent
then again some can be really stupid
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? NO
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Fake blodes are obviously less intelligent than natural because you would have to be stupid to dye your hair blond and put up with the stick that comes with it.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? Oh, but of course both fake and natural blondes are stupid. Bjorn Borg is pretty dumb as is Prince William and Boris Johnson. They're all stupider than stupid! You see, the way it works is: All the intelligence or grey matter, extends to the ends of the hair. Brain matter is dark and well, anyone can clearly see that blondes are light, signifying a lack of brain matter.
I'm really glad you posted this question. Who knows all those people out there could have gone their whole lives without knowing this ol' stereotype? Well done for waving the banner of ignorance and prejudice.
Hair colour and intelligence. Are natural blonde's more intelligent than fake blonde's.? no because the reason people say that blondes are stupid is because it takes copper like chemicals to make brown hair, and blondes miss that chemical.the chemical is associated with intelligence, therefore a natural blonde is less ineligent that fake ones.since the fake ones do have the damn chemical.